Hello Atul,Had my ielts exams today at Leceister
Academic module
Task 1 was a bar chart comparing enrollment figures of males and females in 6 different subjects
Task 2 was about most countries aiming for economic development but may affect social values and we were asked whether advantages of economic development outweigh its disadvantages .
I gave the opinion that, the benefits of economic development outweigh the drawbacks
But I started with the advantages and began like this;
There are two main benefits of economic development. First of all….
and next paragraph, I started with ;
In addition …..
With the disadvantage
I started like this ;
However , there are drwabacks to economic development and mentioned overpopulation leading to the creation of slums with resultant increased in crime rate and loss of religious and social values all in the same paragraph and repeated my opinion in the concluding paragraph.


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  1. Manpreet 8 years ago

    Anybody know listening and reading answer 22 april test

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