Hey Atul,I appeared for GT test at Bangalore on 25th March. here are the details of the questions:
Part 1
Questions related to family. Why is it trending towards nuclear families now a days. What are the advantages/disadvantages. What is my preference
Part 2
A farm house or a house in country side that I would like to own or buy
Part 3
I spoke about my ancestral house which i saw for the first time and now owned by someone else. I was asked questions related to that on how did I feel when I first saw it. Impact on old people when they are alone etc.
Part 1:
Write a letter to your friend to stay at your apartment when you are away on vacation for a month
Part 2:
Now a days Govt is spending a lot on wildlife project. Do you agree or disagree and provide your views on it
Thanks to your tips in all sections. I was able to do well in the test and got an overall band of 7.5
Many Thanks


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