Hi Atul,I’d like to share my IELTS exam experience, hope this will help..
Type of Test : Academic
Date of Test : Feb 11 2017
Location of Test : Surabaya, Indonesia (British Council)
– A talk about the advantages and disadvantages of SUV cars
1 st passage : Specific animal under the sea
2nd passage : Related to engineering ( Observations by many experts in bridge’s structural design)
3rd passage: Views about languages spoke by minority and majority of people
Task 1 : Two bar charts comparing food and other goods that were bought in supermarkets in 3 countries in Europe (Country 1, Country 2, Country 3) in 1998 and 2008.
Task 2 : There is a statement that someone should live away from home when entering university. To what extent you agree or disagree?
Best of luck to everyone who are going to take IELTS! And I also pray for those who are waiting for the results..
ps: Anyway Atul, I have a question regarding the correct answer when we were asked about the DATE. On my IELTS exam 2 days ago, there were a question in listening section about the date of a program and based on the recording, a man said “April seventeenth”
And, on my answer sheet, I wrote : April 17th.
Is that correct? Actually I am so confused until today, because some people told me that there are a new regulation on how we should type for the dates, that is, no more “st, nd, or th” after the numbers. However, some agree that we should still put the “st or nd or th” after the numbers.
The instruction said we were only allowed to write one word that is why i couldn’t write “april seventeenth” as exactly they said on the recording.
Thanks in advance for answering..
Have a good day, Atul.
Best Regards,


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